Agista is the growth equity fund that, through capital and customized solutions, will become the main partner option for local entrepreneurs aiming for an accelerated growth of their company and their own brands.
Portofoliul de companii

Centrokinetic este cea mai mare rețea medicală dedicată afecțiunilor osteo-articulare din țară, cu sedii în București, Brașov, Cluj-Napoca și Timișoara. Centrokinetic are o echipă de peste...

Bittnet Systems
Bittnet was founded in 2007 as a project meant for the Romanian B2B market and has been active in the domestic IT sector ever since.The company’s main activity is focused on IT training. It has the ...

Softbinator Technologies
Softbinator is a tech company, set up in 2011, providing services such as: User Experience Design, Software Development, DevOps process, Agile testing and consultancy services.The Softbinator concept ...