Softbinator Technologies
Agista este primul fond de investiții românesc care scalează IMM-urile locale prin piața de capital.
Softbinator is a tech company, set up in 2011, providing services such as: User Experience Design, Software Development, DevOps process, Agile testing and consultancy services.
The Softbinator concept is currently supported and developed by two separate entities, with different teams, objectives, and interests:
A research, development and consultancy business focused on fintech, edutech, healthtech, e-commerce, IoT, AI/robotics and blockchain solutions. The company services customers on three continents – Asia, Europe, and America.
And the Softbinator Foundation, a non-profit organization. Since 2012, it has been organizing events to aid the Romanian IT community to develop its technological abilities, to share its opinion and to showcase its current projects. The “Talks by Softbinator” events were initially organized in Bucharest and, since 2019, have been extended to other cities, such as Brașov, Constanța, Iași.